Friday, November 26, 2010

Remove the login keyring message Ubuntu

At some point you may face annoying keyring login message asking for password. Here are the steps to get ride of this message:

- Open terminal
- CD ~./gnome2/keyrings
- you will find some files with extension .keyrings, DELETE those files if you do not need them or delete login.keyrings file only.
- Restart your system
- Next login you may be prompted to enter the keyrings password. Do not write any thing and accept the messages.

- You are done.

C++ C# IDEs Under Linux

Hello Every one,
I came across some C++ & C# development Environment for Linux.
I just showing there names here:
  • Eclipse, with CDT
  • NetBeans ( Thanks to Abdelghany addition)
  • CodeBlocks
  • Anjuta
  • KDEvelop
For Java: Both Eclipse and NetBeans works great.

And for C#.Net and VB.Net I found
  • Monodevelop
share better names if you have and try those if you have not.